Checkbox for limitation period of used articles, with description of defects

119,90 EUR
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When selling second-hand goods, it makes sense to limit the liability for defects. Respond now to the tightening of the law to shorten the warranty period from 01.01.2022! According to IT Recht Kanzlei , the corresponding GTC clause alone is no longer sufficient. Our module for Modified eCommerce takes a lot of work off your hands and effectively protects you from unnecessary warnings:

You can now tick the box that these are used products, either for a product or for an entire category. In addition, you can write a text in each product describing the exact defect.

Customers who want to buy this product will see a text on the order confirmation page:
"If you are acting as a consumer when buying second-hand goods, the limitation period for claims for defects is generally one year (for exceptions to this shortened period, see the GTC under the heading "Liability for defects").
Please confirm below by clicking that you agree to the shortening of the limitation period for second-hand goods"

Below this, a list of the affected products with the respective defects appears. The defects are of course also mentioned in the order confirmation email.

With this Modified Module you fulfil the new requirements for the limitation period when trading with used articles without any stress:

  • your customers will be informed about the shorter limitation period before they sign the contract and
  • the shortening is agreed separately (outside your GTC) in the contract.

The click to be carried out before the order can be proven later that you have informed your customers and that the shortening of the limitation period was expressly agreed.


All modules in the legal area were programmed at the request of the customer. Please ask your lawyer whether they are legally required. We cannot give any information on this.