Fishnet Services: independent consultancy for eCommerce.
How long has Fishnet Services been around?
The founder chats out of the secrets...
In 2004, I started working for a trader friend of mine and "brought him onto the internet". Ebay, Afterbuy, Google, Webshop, that was already my job back then.
Within a few years we became one of Germany's biggest ink cartridge retailers. I started to build other shops as well and thus became self-employed in 2008.
In 2009, I continued with computer science students as helpers, then in 2010 with "real" employees. In 2011 it was getting crowded in the office. At times there were six of us sitting there, with a telephone system on the wall, lots of coffee mugs and a pile of cables. The tasks grew and we decided to focus on Modified E-Commerce as a shop system instead of offering support for all shop systems.
At the end of 2016, we started virtualising and automating everything we could get our hands on. Stacks of paper became PDF files. Word files and Excel spreadsheets became fully automated invoicing in the cloud. The phone system is now in the browser rather than on the wall, and one staff member after another has started to work on the road or from home, networked through an internal chat and phone, as well as tools in the cloud to help us collaborate. It's effective, saves money and keeps prices stable for you. At the beginning of 2019, the head office was dissolved, we rent rooms for meetings with clients, but this happens very rarely because so much is possible virtually now.
In the meantime, Shopware has (again) become an integral part of our offering.
With a now quite large team we can help a large number of retailers at the same time and cover a broad spectrum of technology, design and marketing. We consistently separate "frontend" and "backend", i.e. you will always have "customer-understanders" on the phone who speak "mail-order German". And our programmers can concentrate on their work and are not pulled out by the phone ringing.
What are the costs? What are the contract periods?
If you don't have any orders for us, you don't pay anything. There is no "basic fee" for working with us and no minimum contract period.
Exceptions are individual offers, such as hosting.
Regarding costs:
- write down the following words: cheap, fast, good quality
- cross out one of the words.
- Tell us the other two words and we will tell you what it costs and how long it takes :-)
How do I order Fishnet Services?
The best way is to write us an email. To be honest, that's our favourite way.
What is important to us: tradition and modernity. Perfectly combined.
We see ourselves as traditional honourable Hamburg merchants in modern IT garb:
- We complete 99% of all orders without a written contract - only by handshake, and this is usually done by e-mail or telephone.
- We work at eye level with our customers and honestly present all advantages and disadvantages of our services,
even if this means a short-term loss of profit for us. If we are aware of problems or limitations of certain things, we communicate that. - We treat all information confidentially. If you do not wish it, we will not even admit that you are our client.
- We refuse orders from customers, and offers of cooperation from other service providers, who appear to us to be dishonourable,
, even if this would promise us short-term profit.
Within the company, honesty means to us:
- The satisfaction of our employees is the foundation of the company's success. We treat our employees accordingly. Dissatisfied employees = bad work = no money.
- All employees can openly criticise each other, even "from the bottom up".
- Every employee can refuse work. One person may be an animal rights activist and not want to programme for hunters' shops.
Another person does not want to support alcohol shops. That's perfectly fine, so far a solution has been found for every project. Well, apart from two neo-Nazis who wanted to have a shop. They had to find someone else. - We attach great importance to the health of our employees. Performance is important - health is even more important.
We know that our clients understand when a project is postponed due to illness. - We work with horizontal decision-making structures. Every employee works in changing teams and has as much freedom of decision as possible. The basis for their decisions is, among other things, a thorough knowledge of our company. We also act openly about this transparency within the company.
- We strive to act in an environmentally friendly way. Among other things, our servers run on green electricity and we do not travel to our customers for the most part: modern IT makes it possible.
The model of the honorable merchant is therefore a guiding principle for our entire company. And it is still highly topical in the 21st century. Today we just call it work-life balance ^^
We have been an official partner of the IT Recht Kanzlei since 2014.