Login with Google in modified ecommerce
Login with Google in modified ecommerce
Login with Google in modified ecommerce
Login with Google in modified ecommerce
Login with Google in modified ecommerce
Login with Google in modified ecommerce
Login with Google in modified ecommerce
Login with Google in modified ecommerce

Login with Google in modified ecommerce

139,90 EUR
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In this Version:

If a website or app offers "Login with Google", users can access the website or app with their existing Google account. When a user clicks on the "Login with Google" button, they are redirected to a Google page where they are asked to sign in with their Google credentials. If the user is successfully logged in, they will be redirected back to the original website or app and automatically logged in.
The user will be asked once to copy their address stored with Google into modified. This is displayed in a pop-up. This is partly due to Google's data protection settings and partly because Google simply stores the entire address in a text field instead of in individual fields as with modified. 

Existing customers also have the option of linking their existing Modified account to their Google account under "My account", even if the email addresses are different!

"Login with Google" is typically a quick and easy way for users to sign in to websites or apps without having to create a new account or remember a different password. It's also more secure than creating multiple usernames and passwords, as users are less likely to use the same password on different websites.

Of course, we ask for permission before loading the "Login with Google" button, as data is subsequently transferred to the USA. You will need to take care of customizing the privacy policy and clarifying any legal issues regarding this yourself.

Version history
April 2024 - Version 1.0 - Installation on start page with pop-up query 

May 2024 - Version 1.1 - Pop-up removed again, Google Login can now be found on the "Customer registration" and "Customer login" page No data is transferred to Google until the customer actively clicks on Google Login. (It is not the real Google Login button before but a fake graphic)

July 2024 - Version 1.2 - You can now also connect your existing customer account to your Google Login afterwards (and of course disconnect it again) and thus have the choice of whether you want to log in with your "old" e-mail address and the modified password or with your Google account and Google password.