Extension of manufacturer data for the EU Product Safety Regulation (GPSR)

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As of December 14, 2024, it is required for each product offered online to provide the name, registered trade name or registered trademark of the manufacturer, as well as the postal address and an electronic contact address (e-mail or website URL).

If the manufacturer of the product does not have a permanent establishment within the European Union (EU), online retailers are obliged, in addition to the above-mentioned manufacturer information, to provide the name, postal address and an electronic contact address (email or website URL) of the so-called responsible person in accordance with the GPSR or Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 on market surveillance and compliance of products in the affected product offers.

Further information can be found on this german information page of the IT Recht Kanzlei.

What do we do?
We add a new field for manufacturers in which you can enter the required information. This will then be displayed under the product description.
Please indicate line breaks with < br > at the end of the line. (No spaces between br and brackets)

Why don't we use the manufacturer's description for this?
Because this is required in many stores for search engine optimization. Modified has its own "Manufacturer information" page with all the manufacturer's products underneath. However, this is not where the legal information belongs. 

... will probably be included in Modified 3.1, therefore irrelevant for customers with a software maintenance contract