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Export from modified ecommerce shops for Pinterest (retail catalogs)

Export from modified ecommerce shops for Pinterest (retail catalogs)

532,00 EUR
plus 19 % VAT
Product no.:
Shipping time:
In this Version:

Here you can create Pinterest products.

We export a CSV file with
product ID
product name
product description
product URL
product price
and check whether there is a special offer and then export the special price if necessary.
Deactivated products are not transferred.

We build a cronjob that automatically creates the file every 2 hours and stores it on the server so that Pinterest only has to fetch the file.
Cronjobs must therefore be possible with your hoster. 

The adaptation of the module to your store version and PHP version and to the latest Pinterest mandatory requirements is included in the price, but not optional special fields and things that Modified does not even know in the standard version (e.g. condition, Google category, ...).

You can find information about the Pinterest retail catalog here. 

In short:

  1. Log in to Pinterest, make sure you are a verified / approved merchant.
  2. Go to Business Hub - Manage company - Catalog and product groups
  3. Click on Data sources and then on Add data source
  4. Give the data source a name of your choice, enter the link to the .csv file.
  5. After adding, click on Edit and set the switch for "Automated entry" to ON (move to the right). 
  6. Pinterest will now come and read the file between every 24 and every 48 hours.