Export report for tax advisor

Export report for tax advisor

509,00 EUR
plus 19 % VAT
Product no.:
Shipping time:
In this Version:

The store already knows some data, but it is distributed and never linked.

We bring together what belongs together!

You can choose a date range and the status of the orders to export. 

You will then get a CSV file "Outgoing Invoices.csv" with columns as seen in the attachment / download. (See download button at the very bottom)
This file is optimized for GERMAN tax consultants that's why it's in german.
We fill this as follows: 

Turnover: the turnover including VAT if applicable, minus discounts.
For orders with 2 tax rates there are 2 lines.

Debit/Credit Indicator: If the order total is > 0 it is S, otherwise it is H

Account: you can set if you want the same account everywhere (for example 10800) or if it should be based on the first letter of the last name (then e 10100 for A, 10200 for B and so on)

contra account: you can set in the admin for 

- standard tax rate in Germany, for example 4400
- reduced tax rate in Germany, for example 4300
- tax free outside EU, for example 4120
- If OSS exists and active, then with taxes within EU without Germany standard tax rate 4320 and reduced 4321 otherwise 4400 and 4300
- tax free within EU without Germany: 4125

Document date: 
If you use the PDF invoice module, here is the invoice date. Without invoice, it is empty. 
If you don't use the PDF invoice module, the order date is displayed here.

Posting text: Name and first name of the customer at the delivery address.

Country: The delivery country, written out in English, e.g. "Germany".

You can set:

Name of the export file
Orders with which status should be exported (e.g. "shipped")
Revenue accounts
Period of the orders from - to date

All fields not mentioned here remain empty by default. If it is technically feasible, we can program the data here for an additional charge. For individual customizations and extensions please ask us for a quote.