Maintain Google Ads and Analytics account on an ongoing basis

from 109,00 EUR
109,00 EUR per month
plus 19 % VAT
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Google Ads and Analytics account management

What is Google Ads?


Ads, formerly Google Ad Words, and Analytics are two powerful marketing tools with an excellent price-performance ratio.
We manage your Ads account and continue to develop it on the basis of Analytics data.

We also tell you on a monthly basis where there is potential for optimisation on your site, for example, what consumers are searching for and not finding on your site.

How does SEM optimisation work?

Unlike SEO, which is search optimisation, SEM is not necessarily about being at the top of

the list


Most traders are more concerned with selling as much as possible and having the lowest possible advertising costs per sale, i.e. the highest possible ROI (return on investment).

In optimisation, we therefore usually aim to increase the sales rate and reduce the costs per sale on average.


condition is that the customer's expectation in the Google search is fulfilled by the ad text, and the expectation aroused by the ad text is fulfilled by the product.

We therefore optimise the search terms in relation to the ad text and the product, and the ad text in relation to the product. Furthermore, we optimise according to customer target group, country, language, gender, best time and best days of the week to buy, and if you have a mobile template, also according to the viewer's device and corresponding mobile or normal landing page.
Of course, you can also agree other goals with us, such as "increase my level of awareness in Munich".

What is included?

To start with:

  • New optimisation or initial account setup
  • Installation of Google Analytics in your shop
  • Adjustment of your privacy policy regarding Analytics and Google Ads Tracking
  • Research of relevant search terms in German
  • Research of relevant landing pages
  • Individual ad texts for the Google search advertising network in German
  • Set up the optimal ad extensions for you, such as location, telephone number, sitelinks
  • Geographical and temporal adjustment of the campaigns
  • Optimal setting of campaigns according to your individual specifications, e.g. how the budget is to be distributed among the individual campaigns or keywords
  • Integration of Google Analytics in your shop with conversion tracking, integration of target funnels to record purchase processing
  • Minimum term: according to the number of ad groups (e.g. 3 ad groups = minimum term 3 months)
  • Cancellation period after the minimum term: 14 days to the end of the month.

During ongoing operation:

  • Monitoring of the campaigns in relation to the discussed targets.
  • Test new keywords and landing pages (A/B tests) and evaluation
  • Ongoing adjustment of bids and keywords
  • Adaptation of campaigns to current market developments.
  • Daily control of all (!) links of keywords or ads, whether the corresponding landing page still exists (e.g. if a product is deleted and you forget to inform us).

You will receive reports from us with the number of impressions, clicks, click rate, click costs, total costs, the average position and the amount of sales.

What do we need for this?
You can support us or optimise our work by providing us with as many statistics as possible

  • How old are your shoppers, which gender tends to shop with you, are there lulls in day or time, are there top times?
  • Are there top products, what are the slow sellers and why?
  • The more statistics and information we receive, the better we can work for you. Of course, we treat all information confidentially.

We also need

  • Your Google Ads customer number
  • Entry of our email address as admin in your Google Analytics account
  • FTP access to your server

What does SEM optimisation not do?
Of course, we can't do magic either. If, for example, your products are priced far above the market average without any other additional benefit, even the most beautiful ads will be of no use. What we do is to bring the customers to your shop who are looking for exactly these products, and as close as possible to the product they are supposed to buy.

Everything else is up to you.
Likewise, we "only" provide you with the Google Ads costs and the turnover achieved. The controller analysis, which includes, for example, the purchase costs of the product, the return costs or your ongoing operating costs, is your job


Other providers are much cheaper. Why are you so expensive?

Some of our competitors rely almost entirely on automated tools. I.e. they only put money and effort into software, but not into understanding the end user or the retailer.
Let's say a customer is looking for products or a brand that you don't have. How high do you think the software estimates the chance of psychologically getting the customer to change his mind and buy your brand instead? These are considerations that no programme can make at the moment.

90% of our work is done by hand, based on many years of experience (we were one of the very first Ad Words clients in Germany!) in both ads and sales psychology. We only use automation over time and in a few cases.

Please also check whether you have already concluded a data processing contract with Google




The price stated here applies to ad texts via Google Ads ("Pull Strategy). Prices for push strategies such as banner advertising on request.
The cancellation period is 14 days to the end of the month
