Every now and then you need
- different kinds of help,
- administrative tasks,
- advice on your shop, warehouse, marketing, business strategy, etc.
Then opt for this mixed calculation, with which we manage to offer you 90% of all day-to-day work at a single price.
It works like this:
1. you send us an email telling us what you want us to do.
2. we check the job and either do it straight away or let you know that it will require more work and give you a quote.
3. each employee writes his or her statement every evening. If you wish, you can access your time statement (does not include fixed-price services) and see daily how much you have spent so far. By the way, you can also set a limit or create a "prepaid account" from the beginning.
4. on the 1st of the month we write an invoice for the previous month
. The invoice is usually due on the 15th of the month.