
Karsten Geyer
Am Sandtorkai 39
20457 Hamburg, Germany

We do not offer on-site appointments.

VAT number DE 815134681

Tel: (+49) (0)40-2541 33 690
Mon, Wed-Fri 9am-5pm CE(S)T

...we prefer emails!

by fax: extension -9

by e-mail: support [ÄT ] fishnet-services [PUNKT ] com
of course the word dot must be replaced by a full stop and the [ÄT] by the character @
We do not accept ZIP attachments.


EU Commission platform for online dispute resolution:
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

DSA notifications: You can also use the above data or this contact form to report illegal content in accordance with Art. 16 of the Digital Services Act. If you provide a valid contact address, you will receive a confirmation of receipt and status report from us.
Identification and description of the infringement are mandatory. We are dependent on precise data in order to identify the infringement within a reasonable period of time. This means the URL of the infringement and why the content is illegal.

We have liability insurance for programmers:

Mehr Informationen zur IT-Haftpflicht von Karsten Geyer Fishnet Services, Hamburg


Fishnet®  is a registered trademark.

Licence notice:
the download arrow in the remote maintenance area is from Thomas Linard (talk | contribs)


Responsible in terms of § 18 para. 2 MStV:
Karsten Geyer Fishnet Services
Am Sandtorkai 39
20457 Hamburg, Germany