Delivery time

Delivery times

All "delivery times" represent the period of time from when we start programming and installation after an order has been placed (in the case of advance payment, the delivery time starts three working days after transfer)
For some modules we need longer for installation, for others we are faster. In principle, you can say: the more expensive the module, the longer it takes to install it.

If you order a lot of modules at once, we are of course happy, but we also need longer to install them.
If you would like to know the estimated end date instead of the start date, please contact us and we will be able to tell you on the same day.

In our calculation, we always assume the latest shop version, e.g. Modified 2.x or Shopware 6.x. For some modules, we do not yet have the latest version. For some modules we do not yet have a version for the latest shop version, so we have to reprogram them first. This is also reflected in the delivery time. So if you have an older shop, please ask, we may be able to shorten the delivery time.